



2024-07-19 20:21:23 来源:网络


get noisy造句??
1 However, missing lines and spurious signals will be und time by time in the very noisy spectra and one must get the periori knowleage of the number of peaks in a spectrum.但在高噪声的条件下🎽——|🐵,时有失峰和假峰出现且要事先知道谱的峰数👿*——_🐭🐝。2 In this paper, we get the fea还有呢?
5🪁——🦂🎃、It's hard to get in the zone when it's so noisy outside.外面太吵了🎎-😮,很难集中注意力🎾-|🤮🕸。


5.get down to You should get down to your studies.你应该专心学习🐒_——🐵。6.turn down Please turn down the radio. It's too noisy.请把收音机关小点声🧶🪳|🐩🎾,太吵了💫🦑|😐🦩!7.turn out The man turned out to be a thief.那个男人原来是个贼🦆-😽。 out You'd better watch out for this dog.你还有呢?
4🥎😠_|😖、It's time for class.该上课了🎆🦒——🐬。5🐲🐲————🦟、It's time to get up.该起床了🦂-⛳🦎。6🎯——-*、She always complain about her noisy sister.她总是抱怨她吵闹的妹妹🐈‍⬛_😈🐿。7🦘-🏓、I fit 3 hours into my study .我给我的学习安排三小时的时间🍁🐚——-🐓🦖。8.He tried to do his homework as much as possible.他努力地做尽可能等会说😀——-🐤🐫。
你应该干什么 你不应该干什么 英语造句 各10句 10点之前回答??
9.You should get up. 10.You should do homework.不应该干什么🐝-|🐑,:(you shouldn't不打了)看电视Watch TV 玩电脑Play computer games 做游戏To play 打架Fight 骂人Curse 吵闹Noisy 践踏草坪Trample on the lawn 抽烟Smoke 乱停车park 骑自行车Ride a bicycle sb(主语)+should/shouldn还有呢?
1. be (或get) shut of[口语]摆脱掉2. shut down on (或upon)[口语]压制🐡-🦠;制止造句🐦🐯——⚡️🎗:They shut him from their circle.他们把他排除在他们的圈子外🦍——🦆。He shut his grocery.他把他的杂货店关闭了🐈‍⬛__🌲。The shop dosen't shut until 10 p.m..该商店晚上十点钟打烊🏓⛸-_🌤。The man kicked the 等我继续说🐥🤣|🐩🦘。
I prefer chinese food to western food. 相比较外国食品🤣🐍-☁️🐯,我更喜欢中国的I heard you quit the job.我听说你辞职了I saw him speaking to a foreigner.我看到他正在和老外讲话it is so dirty that i can't stand it.太脏了以至于我不能忍受了you are such a good boy that all the 是什么🐝__🦈😮。
call up 等几个词造句??
1🥏🕊-_🦇🐆、She called up afirend just for a chat 2🦅_🐉、Cheer up,it wouldn't get worse 3🤒🙁|🎽、Close up your mouse,you are so noisy!4😨🤢——🖼👻、Clean up your bedroom 5👹——🤑🌦、Jean was really cut up when her husband left her🍂-🐓。使…伤心)6🐱-🐂🤕、The works dug up river silt 7🦠_——🪢、Dressed up her beatiful 好了吧🤫|_🦄😄!
读音😍🎽——_🐌:英[ˈnɔɪzi]🦈🏏-🌷🦝、美[ˈnɔɪzi]🐽🦈-🎈。释义🥍*——-😀🎉:adj. .嘈杂的😵_|🍃🦙;喧闹的🦉🕊_🎄;聒噪的变形👹🦕||🐝🎐:比较级noisier😌*__😞🦔、最高级noisiest🦥🐾_☁️🐄。同近义词🐍💫————🐭🦆:1🌤🐲|🌗😩、adj. 嘈杂的*🦖_🐽🌩;喧闹的🌴🐳_——☄️🙁;聒噪的furious/boisterous 2😘_🎽、n. 响声🐩🐃--🦋;嘈杂声klang/babelism noisy造句如下🙈——-🌻:1🎍|🦁、In this noisy world是什么🦢🐨|🌤🛷。